About Willy Gilly

Where do you go when you hit a major bump in the road half way through your life?
What do you do when everything that you thought was 'together,' falls apart?
Cry a little... Hit the road... Laugh a lot!

"Three for the Road"

  Translating Life Through Film and Performance 

Best Ensemble

"Three For The Road" is a short film/pilot for a 'mid-life' romantic adventure series for wounded warriors of the feminist wars.

When three strong, independent, intelligent women come together seeking spiritual enlightenment, or maybe just ‘sexual healing,’  they soon discover that although their paths have been very different, they have converged at a junction that seems to be nowhere, but leads them to a new life filled with all kinds of unanticipated adventures together.

It is a poignant laugh-filled-look at the indomitable spirit of three very different, powerful women, who have not allowed their empty nests, past failed relationships and adverse circumstances to derail their commitment to living Life fully with Love, Adventure and above all, Joy.

NOW Available for Series Development!

Copyright © 2009 - 2023 Willy-Gilly Productions, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Talent Management

Consulting Services

Film & TV Programs


'Gemma' is a walking, breathing hangover of the ‘hippie era’.  A ‘love child’ of the first order, her "Summer of love" has somehow lingered late into the Fall.  Having looked in all the wrong places to find someone who could fill the void left by surviving a too painful childhood and far too many lukewarm Lotharios, she has resigned herself to seeking fulfillment through her own special brand of ‘enlightenment.’

A fashion maven, she has learned how to divert her pain into laughter, an extremely healthy wardrobe and a fleshly appetite to match.  She has also channeled her considerable anxiety into a voracious appetite for carnal pleasures.  Married several times, she truly believes that you get one ride on this material 'merry-go-round' for as long as you like. But, no matter how many horses you change, when the ride stops turning you are pretty much, right back where you started, so you better enjoy it. If it is not fun, she’s not going there.

Born to the ‘Southern gentry,' Susannah Brown truly believed that, if she conducted herself with style and grace, married the ‘right’ 'professional man' and raised her children by the “Book”, she would live happily every after.  A college graduate, for almost three (3) decades, all seemed to be moving along swimmingly.  She landed her ‘big fish,’ a dentist, they married, had three (3) lovely children, all of whom everyone (including herself) thought she raised perfectly.  Her nest, now empty, her life is derailed when she surprises her husband with a champagne lunch, only to find him busy drilling his assistant. So much for Dallas! Back to square one, she now rents a room from a cousin 'up North.' Things look very different these days.